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Thema: VFD: Software (Noritake CU20045SCPB-T23A 4x20 VFD) (Gelesen 43688 mal)
Some are Text Character, some are Graphical. and some can do both... it's just like the LCDs...
I don't know exactly, but i think the are some VFD that support HD44780. also there are some special VFD softwares out in the internet, but it's not the same like the LCD software.
there's a new "ready to use" VFD dispaly: the L.I.S. (Lost in Space) VFD Display... but who wants to buy ready to use mods ??
Good question, I dont buy some.... and i won't You are only able to gain some Experience, when you du everything yourself. And Not, when you buy some Ready-to-Use things....
Thanx for that Info, We could have speak (spoken) german °>|, but english is also an good language 
(I have to train my english vocabular, I think i will be better at the next English-test at the school )
« Letzte Änderung: November 5, 2003, 21:11:23 von Klinkerstein »
Diktator vom Dienst

Karma: +15/-0
Beiträge: 5088
may be, if you're english gets better, soon you'll be able to use the whole internet ;-) this way you can do searches at google for english written pages too and stop spamming around asking dumb questions
PS: no offense meant! shift the blame to your bad english or 
Please let me do one last Offtopic Post *lol*
I understand English very well (man beachte das adverb muhaha/look at that adverb). But think and write an own text is not so easy as it seems sometimes.
Cold Dog

Karma: +0/-0
Beiträge: 7

Surely not. The problem is - I don't have one  Shark5060 connected the VFD, I just got it completely running. Jeez, Olaf, I hadn't heard from you in a while so I thought you were ignoring me... Eheh....
Well... Noritake made it as simple as the IEE's - set jumpers, connect three wires and off with it. The problem is, the Noritake only accepts TTL-Levels (0V and +5V), not RS232-Levels (-12V and +12V). Looks like the IEE's were ready for RS232. Here's a pic of the back of the BG Micro (IEE) 2 x 20 VFD:

Perhaps it has its own way to get RS232 levels onboard?
Obligatory front shot:

BTW, got some more of these in but they bumped the price to $32.50. (They were originally $20). Still not a bad deal for a huge display with big 9mm characters.... I know some Europeans that bought some of these (yes, they ship international) and shipping wasn't too bad at about $10....
Always. Whoever comes first is getting it first  We're in research for connecting Parallel LCD/VFD to USB and it looks like we have a solution that needs some Software  Well, click on my "email" icon over on the left and send me your mailing address and I'll send you one of these (CU20045SCPB-T23A ) and probably some other stuff, too. It's yours to keep - I just ask that you help me get it going serial (preferred) or parallel (that'll work, too). If you can furnish some wiring diagrams or relay the info to me, I will see to it that it gets posted at VFDWorld and that you receive full credit.
Shark: So, Dan_Dude's wiring diagram works OK? It's just a software problem? Did you hook up both +5v's and both grounds?
Klinkerstein: VFD's, in my opinion, look so much better than LCD's. They are "prettier".
Cold Dog

Karma: +0/-0
Beiträge: 7

Address sent. I will try my best getting it running in serial mode - hopefully I won't turn that green pertinax to something like carbondioxide and other ugly, black things  Eheh... Sounds good.... The USB thing sounds interesting, too....
Noritake - the "U" series seems to be straightforward - parallel only, 14-pin connector, +5v power and HD44780 compatible... My findings show that all the "U" series models hookup the same way and run easily with many different LCD software in HD44780 mode....
The "T" series (like the subject of this thread), on the otherhand, is parallel and serial (seems with limitations), 16-pin connector with alternate serial 3-pin connector and +5v power..... Hmmm, seems to be a very tough nut to crack......
Here's some techdocs on the Noritake CU20045SCPB-T23A (if you don't have them already):
Short version
Long version T28 model (sister display)
Identical Samsung model (long version)
I am waiting on some VFD filters (red, blue, green, yellow, etc.) to arrive... Well, actually they are photographer's gel sheet. They won't be here till Monday (10th). I will throw some of those in the box and the package will leave on Tuesday (11th).
So, Good Luck and let me know or post back here when the package arrives.... 
thx man, CD
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