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Autor Thema: English documentation?  (Gelesen 4893 mal)
Hak Foo

English documentation?
« am: Juli 4, 2005, 20:05:05 »

I'm sorry to bother this forum (especially with an English speaking question), but I'd like to know if there's english documentation (or a translation of the programme, better yet) for STLCD.  It supports my VFD (CU20045SCPB-T23A) which a lot of programmes don't do out of the box.  However, I have several problems getting the display exactly how I'd like, and the instructions aren't much help when I don't speak German. Sad

-The CPU usage meter is always zero.  Does this require MBM5 or something?

-The hard disc light flickers CONSTANTLY while STLCD runs.  I suspect it's checking 20 times a second to update the hard disc meters, but I turned those off in the configuration and it still flickers non-stop.  If I turn off STLCD, it stiops blinking.
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Re:English documentation?
« Antwort #1 am: Juli 5, 2005, 09:12:52 »

I'm sorry to bother this forum (especially with an English speaking question), but I'd like to know if there's english documentation (or a translation of the programme, better yet) for STLCD.

No, there isn't. I always wanted to translate at least the docs to english, but never had the motivation to do so.

-The CPU usage meter is always zero.  Does this require MBM5 or something?

No. This function simply depends on your OS - and that's why STLCD requires NT/2K/XP. M$ didn't do a real good job there, so it is quite complex to get this feature to work.

-The hard disc light flickers CONSTANTLY while STLCD runs.  I suspect it's checking 20 times a second to update the hard disc meters, but I turned those off in the configuration and it still flickers non-stop.  If I turn off STLCD, it stiops blinking.

The harddisc-meters never access the Harddisc (as far as I know, don't know if M$ does this). Maybe you have activated Error-Logging, which can be disabled. Set "UseLog=0" in STLCD.INI and the flickering stops. It is a good idea to delete STLCD.ERR, as most of the information in there won't help us.

Oh, BTW: There is no problem to ask there in English. I will try my best to help.

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Hak Foo

Re:English documentation?
« Antwort #2 am: Juli 6, 2005, 05:18:28 »

Error Logging was off.

With it on, I get a lot of

ST_SYSINFO: PDHError 800007D5: No data to return.


The OS is Windows 2000, no service packs applied.  

I noticed on http://lcdsmartie.sourceforge.net/FAQ.htm a mention that they have trouble with the CPU meter always displaying 0 too.  However, the fix they mention, I don't have that key in my registry.
Hak Foo

Re:English documentation?
« Antwort #3 am: Juli 8, 2005, 01:38:10 »

I've come up with an "end run" solution for the "zero percent CPU uage" problem.

Let MBM5 do the measurement.

-Install MBM5 (which I needed anyway to read the sensors)
-Tell MBM5 to read the CPU usage, it doesn't by default.
-Set the CPU usage meter to a name other than "CPU" (so it doesn't overlap with the CPU temperature)
-Let STLCD read the "CPUusage (percent)" sensor.  I first tried it without renaming the meter, and it kept saying 47 percent usage-- til I realised it was referring to the 47c proc temperature. Grin  Nothing I was doing needed 47 percent of an A64.

The one drawback is that this way doesn't give a very fast update... rather than having the gauge go from zero to 100 ten times, you'll see it sitting at 25 percent.
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Re:English documentation?
« Antwort #4 am: Juli 8, 2005, 08:56:02 »

Just give me a chance to translate at least the docs. Using MBM for measuring CPU is, as you have learned by yourself, not the optimal solution. That's why I made the hard work grabbing these d**n Performance counters...

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