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Thema: VFD: Software (Noritake CU20045SCPB-T23A 4x20 VFD) (Gelesen 43722 mal)
Cold Dog

Karma: +0/-0
Beiträge: 7

Hello - Does anyone here speak English? (I hope it is OK to speak English here)...
I don't speak German and am having a terrible time trying to navigate this site... An internet search led me to these forums.....
I have a couple of these displays. Has anyone been able to get one of these running in serial mode using the white 3-pin connector?
Parallel mode: Does anyone have a hookup diagram or pinout? It's a little confusing what with the technical documentation I've seen showing two +5v's and two Grounds on the 16-pin connector.... which to use?
Thanks in advance...... 

Karma: +9/-0
Beiträge: 715
Hello - Does anyone here speak English? (I hope it is OK to speak English here)...
I will take a try. 
I have a couple of these displays. Has anyone been able to get one of these running in serial mode using the white 3-pin connector?
Not in this forum.
Parallel mode: Does anyone have a hookup diagram or pinout? It's a little confusing what with the technical documentation I've seen showing two +5v's and two Grounds on the 16-pin connector.... which to use?
Hm, Olaf wrote a driver for his software STLCD But I can't find wiring diagram. Maybe Olaf can tell you.
„Liebe Nachwelt! Wenn Ihr nicht gerechter, friedlicher und überhaupt vernünftiger sein werdet als wir gewesen sind, dann soll Euch der Teufel holen. Diesen frommen Wunsch mit aller Hochachtung geäußert habend bin ich Euer ehemaliger, gezeichnet: Albert Einstein.“ --->>> AFAIK? IMHO? HTH? Guckst du hier -> Chat-Akronyme / -Abkürzungen <<<---
Diktator vom Dienst

Karma: +15/-0
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You're welcome!
Shark5060, who opened this thread, mentioned this link:
go for it and you will find more than one of the desired hookup diagrams at least to be able to use parallel mode ;-) as I understand it you have to use both pins for voltage and ground...
unfortunatly I can't help you with how to set it up for serial mode, even I dunno if there is a reasonable piece of software to drive it that way 
by the way: the display shown in this thread is driven by STLCD our own software written by OlafSt... alas, its german - but maybe u'll give it a try!
best regards.
Cold Dog

Karma: +0/-0
Beiträge: 7

Thanks for the replys! 
Yes, I'm familiar with the link. Dan_Dude (the webmaster @ vfdworld) and I have communicated about these displays... He had no success getting it to run in serial mode and mild success getting it to run in parallel mode - there were a few problems. Looking at the pictures in this thread, it looks like you guys got it going fine in parallel mode....
(By the way, if you scroll down the link, you'll see my name next to the Noritake 2 x 24 display. I found those displays for $3 each (! !) at a website, bought 30 of them and sold them for cost to my modding friends that hang out at, eheh.... I've used jaLCD's with these and it works great....but I digress....)
Problem is, I've got several models of VFD's - most of them are parallel. This is one of the few that supports serial. I've been building cases with small motherboards lately and these small motherboards don't have a parallel port. That leaves my choices for adding a VFD very slim. There's the IEE Century 2 x 20 display ( and that's about it. It's a little long and bulky for a small case. If I could find another display that runs in serial mode, that would be aces.... 
Anyhow, I would stilll appreciate a wiring diagram for parallel mode if someone has one...
BTW, I will try STLCD, thx for the link! 
« Letzte Änderung: November 1, 2003, 00:02:57 von Cold Dog »
Global Moderator

Karma: +13/-0
Beiträge: 2138

Master of STLCD and LISA III
As I'm the founder of STLCD, let me put my 5 cents to your problem 
STLCD can drive Noritakes, as long as they are compatible to the one I had for programming. Lines and Chars are of no interest, the controller needs to be fine. Of course I have build complete support, even for those nasty hairpulling User Defined characters and flicker-free-mode.
Shark5060's Noritake also has a serial port, but Shark5060 had no need for it - so I skipped that part. However, serial displays are on the To-Do-List (Matrix-Orbitals and CrystalFontz are serial too). If I can get my hands on such a Display (this includes VFD), support will be coded.
If you like to, I will do my best to translate STLCD to english, so you can work with it a bit more efficiently - just say a word. Be warned, this software is written for purists, no really Dumb-Docs and no mouse-clicking-config. Proven by several users in this forum, STLCD seems to be the fastest (speaking of consuming CPU-cycles) and most robust LCD-Software yet.
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Cold Dog

Karma: +0/-0
Beiträge: 7

If you like to, I will do my best to translate STLCD to english, so you can work with it a bit more efficiently - just say a word. Be warned, this software is written for purists, no really Dumb-Docs and no mouse-clicking-config. Proven by several users in this forum, STLCD seems to be the fastest (speaking of consuming CPU-cycles) and most robust LCD-Software yet.
Well, I think you could reach a wider audience (if that is your intention) by providing English support. Eventually, you may want to include many languages ala the way Alex did with MBM. I think the problem I've seen most often with some LCD programs is memory leaks. It's kind of ironic that the program can "tattle" on itself by showing growing memory usage! Some of the LCD software programs are OK but sort of "unfinished". Others promise great things to come but never arrive (Uller's LCDriver 2.0 comes to mind).
That said, there's more than a few of us that prefer VFD's over LCD's. VFD's can be found for cheap on Ebay and electronic surplus stores/websites. Noritake and IEE are the ones I see a lot of in the US. Both brands make "parallel only" models and bimodal (serial and paralllel) models. A lot of people (like myself) are not programmers, but can get one of these running no problem as long as there's support via an easy to read wiring diagram (diagram by me) (btw, do you have a parallel piinout for the CU20045SCPB-T23A? ) and some software to run it. For parallel, the software can get by usually with just the HD44780 mode. But serial mode might be stickier, I don't know - like I said, I'm not a programmer. I do know LCDC depends on "definition files". (A while back, over here in the states, had the huge IEE Century 2 x 20 VFD for sale for $20. Hundreds bought one of these, download the ".ocx" file, hooked up 3 wires: +5v, ground and serial-in, and with LCDC or VFD Thinger, were off and running in serial mode. Very easy).
I couldn't follow this thread except for the pictures.... Did Shark send the VFD to you, you got it running and then you sent it back to him? Tell you what, if you PM or email me your address, I will send you another CU20045SCPB-T23A to see if you can get it running in serial mode.... That is, if you're willing to try. It may not be easy, though. Dan_Dude was unsuccessful..... 
Global Moderator

Karma: +13/-0
Beiträge: 2138

Master of STLCD and LISA III
Well, I think you could reach a wider audience (if that is your intention) by providing English support. Eventually, you may want to include many languages ala the way Alex did with MBM.
Not really. But an english translation can help a lot. Put on the list.
I think the problem I've seen most often with some LCD programs is memory leaks. It's kind of ironic that the program can "tattle" on itself by showing growing memory usage! Some of the LCD software programs are OK but sort of "unfinished". Others promise great things to come but never arrive (Uller's LCDriver 2.0 comes to mind).
No errors detected for months. Myself has taken a 96-hour-session to check for leaks. None found. Most users have tested STLCD intensively and they all look happy.
However, software like this is never finished - Users permanently have ideas. OTOH, It's my decision, what ideas make it into STLCD. As long as the idea doesn't run against the two "Master-of-decision"-goals, chances are great: First MODG is robustness, second is speed. That's why all those Internet-features like fli4l, picture-uploader and so on are missing - consumes too much speed and can make STLCD run wild.
I couldn't follow this thread except for the pictures.... Did Shark send the VFD to you, you got it running and then you sent it back to him?
Yep. This method is a very handy one... Users get their LCD running, STLCD gets a bit more flexible and I don't have to buy tons of LCD...
Tell you what, if you PM or email me your address, I will send you another CU20045SCPB-T23A to see if you can get it running in serial mode.... That is, if you're willing to try. It may not be easy, though. Dan_Dude was unsuccessful.....  I have taken a look at Sharks Noritake-Specs. Looks like an RS232 with only one line (no handshake). That's dangerous, because STLCD may loose contact to the VFD and has no chance to detect this - but this may be solved by using BUSY as RTS-signal. Second: Emulating serial port behaviour on a parallel port is nearly impossible, as the timings cannot be guaranteed under multitasking conditions. Obviously, Dan-Dude tried this, too, and STLCD is conceptually unable to do this either.
The next problem is, we need a MAX232 or something like this to convert serial port levels to TTL-Levels. I'm sure, the VFD doesn't like -12V on his Data Line. Building this Level-Shifter (very simple, indeed !) we can attach that VFD to a standard RS232-Port every PC has and get it running. More interesting, using an USB-to-RS232 Adapter, you can attach your VFD to any USB-Port 
Of course, building some extra Hardware is dangerous and may damage the VFD when not being extremely careful. The Levelshifter is fairliy easy (one IC, 4 Capacitors) but may be too complex for single-cell-brainers.
Still interested ?
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Cold Dog

Karma: +0/-0
Beiträge: 7

I have taken a look at Sharks Noritake-Specs. Looks like an RS232 with only one line (no handshake). That's dangerous, because STLCD may loose contact to the VFD and has no chance to detect this - but this may be solved by using BUSY as RTS-signal. Second: Emulating serial port behaviour on a parallel port is nearly impossible, as the timings cannot be guaranteed under multitasking conditions. Obviously, Dan-Dude tried this, too, and STLCD is conceptually unable to do this either. The next problem is, we need a MAX232 or something like this to convert serial port levels to TTL-Levels. I'm sure, the VFD doesn't like -12V on his Data Line. Building this Level-Shifter (very simple, indeed !) we can attach that VFD to a standard RS232-Port every PC has and get it running. More interesting, using an USB-to-RS232 Adapter, you can attach your VFD to any USB-Port  Of course, building some extra Hardware is dangerous and may damage the VFD when not being extremely careful. The Levelshifter is fairliy easy (one IC, 4 Capacitors) but may be too complex for single-cell-brainers. Still interested ? First off, do you have something against sharing your parallel pinout for the CU20045SCPB-T23A? 
Jeez, serial hookup sounds complicated all of a sudden, eheh... As I mentioned earlier, on those very popular IEE Century 2 x 20 displays, it was just - connect 3 wires, make sure the jumpers were set right on the back (19200 baud, Intel, Normal), install the .ocx file and LCDC or VFD Thinger, make a couple of minor tweaks to the software and badda bing, badda boom, it ran no problem...
Sounds like the Noritake serial mode is not so user friendly .... I was hoping for a simple and direct serial port hookup, thinking that perhaps Dan_Dude had overlooked something...... If I understand you correctly, Noritake didn't quite get it to that point....
So, right back at ya: Still interested?
Global Moderator

Karma: +13/-0
Beiträge: 2138

Master of STLCD and LISA III
First off, do you have something against sharing your parallel pinout for the CU20045SCPB-T23A?  Surely not. The problem is - I don't have one Shark5060 connected the VFD, I just got it completely running.
Jeez, serial hookup sounds complicated all of a sudden, eheh... Not really. It's much easier to wire it up than explaining it...
Sounds like the Noritake serial mode is not so user friendly .... I was hoping for a simple and direct serial port hookup, thinking that perhaps Dan_Dude had overlooked something...... If I understand you correctly, Noritake didn't quite get it to that point....
Well... Noritake made it as simple as the IEE's - set jumpers, connect three wires and off with it. The problem is, the Noritake only accepts TTL-Levels (0V and +5V), not RS232-Levels (-12V and +12V). Looks like the IEE's were ready for RS232.
So, right back at ya: Still interested?
Always. Whoever comes first is getting it first We're in research for connecting Parallel LCD/VFD to USB and it looks like we have a solution that needs some Software 
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Hi, May I interfere you? 
What exactly is the Advantage and the Disadvantage of this Vacuum Flurouscenc Displays?? And what exactly is the Difference between a VFD and a standard LCD with HD44780 controller ??
Sorry bad english
I understand.
looks like that VFDs are besser eh ?  But, i See, they are much more expensive than LCDs The Software is another Disadvantage, I didnt see any software yet, which support VFDs (without STLCD of course )
Are VFDs Graphical Displays or Alphanumeric Displays? or both?
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